Focused on the Provision of Services to our clients in the Oil Recovery & Fuel Industries, offering Advanced Proprietary Formulas, Ultrasonics and End-to-End Eco Processes.
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FORTecx Environmental Inc [“FORTecx”] is a Canadian based, Green Tech leading research, deployment and investment group, which has recruited a team of proven and successful technologists and industrialists in the oil recovery and water treatment industries. All are dedicated to implementing, advancing and providing to FORTecx clients, ‘state of the art’, environmentally friendly formulas and processes, for ‘Fast Oil Recovery Technologies’ from primary, secondary and waste sources.
Whilst FORTecx’s core focus is providing the world’s ‘oil recovery industry’ with advanced eco technologies, high on its agenda will be offering ‘state of the art’ technologies to ensure that any waste water produced, can be treated to significantly reduce any metals, sulphur, bacteria and other contaminates, thus allowing the water to be safely discharged or reused, without any harm to the environment.