Fortecx has contracted RemNOx R&D of Glasgow as their initial Research and Development providers

RemNOx confirmed its demulsification testing facility has been operational since November 2023.

Its experimental program has allowed RemNOx to design the most efficient and economic processes for dealing with the many forms of oil contaminated wastewater.

This new UK multirange facility is in response to a successful commercial prototype facility in South Africa, but dedicated to only one type of oil contaminated wastewater. However, it has proven that not only is RemNOX’ process significantly more efficient in time and cost, but the recovered oil is of better quality and can be used in combustion engines. In addition, the disposal of the residual water is less problematic. RemNOx currently provide wastewater treatment companies with comprehensive reports on how to enhance their current approach, looking to increase their productivity and reduce their operational timescales, all at zero cost to them.

By providing a bespoke offering for new and existing clients is something they have been doing for some time. With their facility, they can provide quick and cost free solutions for the treatment of oil contaminated wastewater of all types.

RemNOx fully appreciate that most wastewater treatments currently rely solely on gravitational settlement, which are limited in scope and are very time consuming. They require considerable storage facilities, thereby delaying and reducing capacity and productivity and also require tertiary processes to allow disposal of the residue water. In general, they are all bespoke and capital intensive processes.

By offering a FREE investigative and testing service to this industry it will allow companies to look at a more streamlined approach, helping to expand their businesses, without initial cost to them. RemNOx want to lead the way in demulsification of all hydrocarbon fuels, fossil, bio or synthetic, and this new facility will help us also lead the way in the demulsification process of contaminated wastewater.