Oil Recovery From Sedimental Strata

Sedimentary strata (layers) are formed by the accumulation or deposition of mineral or organic particles near the Earth’s surface and are usually defined in four groups, based on the processes responsible for their formation: clastic sedimentary rocks, biochemical (biogenic) sedimentary rocks, chemical sedimentary rocks, and the remainder are in a fourth category for “other” sedimentary rocks formed by impacts, volcanism, and other minor processes.

FORTecx main focus is on Alberta oil-sands, which contain valuable deposits of bitumen, a heavy and viscous form of complex hydrocarbons.

See a 10 min video that provides an excellent introduction:

More in-depth information can be found in the technical library of the Alberta ‘Oil Sands Magazine see:

Recovery of oil from such sediments, either ‘in-situ’ for deeper layers (drilling wells and pumping in steam/chemicals) or ‘open pit’ extraction, for layers close to the surface. In either case, demulsification processes are used to break any bond the oil has with sediment particles, producing a mix of water, oil and other contaminates. Methods can include Steam Distillation, Solvent Extraction, CO2 Extraction, Maceration, Enfleurage, Cold Press Extraction and Water Distillation. The resultant mix is then processed to separate the oil from the water, allowing the concentrated oil to be recovered, enhanced and refined. The still contaminated water then needs to be processed to remove all contaminants so as to be reused or safely discarded.


FORTecx can provide advanced ‘end to end’ chemical formulas and physical processes to aid their client’s goal of maximum recovery of the oil content of oil sands and fully treating the wastewater generated.

Chemical: FORTecx currently have two proprietary chemical formulas, all the elements and constituents of which are made entirely from naturally occurring, biodegradable ‘green’ ingredients and offer an immediate and important step towards their net zero goals.

Physical: FORTecx can offer leading edge, highly efficient phase separation mechanics for the various stages of their oil extraction.

Wastewater Purification: FORTecx can offer advice and economic processes to decontaminate their wastewater for reuse or safe disposal.

FORTecx’s typical R&D involves the following steps:

  • Sampling and Analysis: A thorough assessment of the oil-contaminated sediment to determine the composition of the oil and the nature of its bond with such sediments. To also identify other contaminates, such as heavy metals and bacteria.
  • With the oil/water mix separated from the sediment, define the most effective, economic and environmentally friendly procedures using FORTecx’s proprietary demulsifiers and physical processes, including ultrasound.
  • Once the oil is recovered, it can then be enhanced with FORTecx’s emulsifiers
  • The wastewater can then be purified, and all contaminants removed using FORTecx chemical formulas.

IP& Patents

As required by its clients’ individual processes, FORTecx continues to improve the strength, effectiveness, versatility and costing, of its demulsifiers, physical mechanics and its wastewater formulas and processes.

As significant milestones are achieved, updated patents will be filed.